Tell Me How You're Mighty: Real Talk About Cheating

Smart, funny and insightful podcast

The most recent episode had Vikki Stark as the guest. I belong to her FB page and oneof the members put me on to this podcast. I am a chump who as survived divorce and am on the other side of this. I remember how devastated I was and at the time that someone recommended Chump Lady's book, I was not ready to read it. At that point, I was not ready to gie up on my marriage. Fortunately, I had a good lawyer and an amazing therapist. I also discovered a raging dragon inside me that refused to let me be walked all over! That was really vital in what got me through my journey. But een at this point, where I am 2 years post divorce with a boyfriend, I still enjoy this podcast and learn new things. I was glad that Vikki was on the show because her book and FB page really helped me get through my journey. Because that is the flavor of cheater my ex was. The one who suddenly without warning turns into an ice cold stranger and just walks out on his family! That was an awful and terrifying champter in my life and one I hope never to relive again!

Dec. 7, 2023 by Kate on This Website

Tell Me How You're Mighty: Real Talk About Cheating