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Not even sure how i found this but so thankful.

So different and refreshing
I'm a chump man. For years I beat myself up over what I may have done that lead my wife to be unfaithful. Every website is so "save your marriage at all costs." To hear a different perspective gives me incredible peace of mind and helps reinforce my wise decision to divorce.

Need some clarity? Maybe a good laugh? THIS is your podcast!
Such a great show! If you’ve found yourself in the hazy maze of the aftermath of discovering infidelity this podcast will help you find a healthy perspective. It might even make you laugh. Too soon? Tracy and company will help you get there. THIS is the healthy, life affirming, sensible point of view. I’m very happy to have found Tracy’s excellent website and now the podcast.

Make this podcast and blog your post dday survival guide
5 years post D day yesterday. Didn't realize it until today because it does get easier. In fact, life after a cheater becomes more beautiful, more colorful, and more calm than you can imagine if you're in the storm right now. It doesn't happen at once. It isn't linear. But it happens. And it happens because of podcasts and blogs like this one. Forever grateful I found this community that got me to the other side.

A Godsend!
I don’t remember who exactly directed me to the Chumplady blog, but I know it was Providence! Her book saved my life, and her site encouraged me daily when I was in the thick of betrayal trauma hell. Even though I’m close to “meh”, I’m loving the podcast! Keep speaking the snarky truth, Tracey!!

Finally someone speaking THE TRUTH around this abuse
Finally someone delving into this type of abuse. This is for the forever hopeful victims. If only more family court professionals would take some time to understand this perspective. Love the way these podcasts are so positive. Forward facing so the traumatized can finally move on and reclaim their life. Thank you Tracy !

Changed my mind on cheating
I dated a cheater (he wasn’t cheating with me), and it was a revelation into the world of someone who was so duplicitous. Tracy gets it. Love this podcast that calls out bad behavior for what it is.

These are the women you want in your corner when you're headed into battle...
Tracy Schorn, aka "Chump Lady," saved me in 2013 when I discovered my husband was living a double life. Amid the fog he created to keep me stuck, I found clarity and a path forward by reading and re-reading her smart, matter-of-fact, and hilarious website/blog. Now, she's paired up with the delightful Sarah Gorrell, and this podcast is just the thing to help you gain the necessary strength to leave a cake-eating, cheating spouse. Each week, Tracy and Sarah talk with survivors, trauma specialists, mental health experts, etc., and help their listeners gain insight and understanding. These women are the real deal, the kind of friends you need in your corner to set you straight and keep you moving forward so you can free yourself and live your best life.

Saved. My. Life.
I found ChumpLady (CL) in 2015 and have been an avid reader (now listener xoxo) since. I was divorcing the disordered and after finding CL and ChumpNation (CN) I found the information, community, and strength I needed to get out. “Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life” is not a memo. It’s a movement! Betrayal is abuse: emotional, financial, spiritual. Thank you CL and CN. TaraBelle

Smart, funny and insightful podcast
The most recent episode had Vikki Stark as the guest. I belong to her FB page and oneof the members put me on to this podcast. I am a chump who as survived divorce and am on the other side of this. I remember how devastated I was and at the time that someone recommended Chump Lady's book, I was not ready to read it. At that point, I was not ready to gie up on my marriage. Fortunately, I had a good lawyer and an amazing therapist. I also discovered a raging dragon inside me that refused to let me be walked all over! That was really vital in what got me through my journey. But een at this point, where I am 2 years post divorce with a boyfriend, I still enjoy this podcast and learn new things. I was glad that Vikki was on the show because her book and FB page really helped me get through my journey. Because that is the flavor of cheater my ex was. The one who suddenly without warning turns into an ice cold stranger and just walks out on his family! That was an awful and terrifying champter in my life and one I hope never to relive again!

Absolutely the best divorcé podcast
I love this podcast. It is honest, raw, insightful and inspiring.

So grateful for the support
Excellent, so helpful. I am six years out from D Day. He had been leading a double life for thirteen years. I threw him out asap. I was given Leave a Cheater gain a life by Tracy Schorn and l never looked back. I read her blog every day and the comments people added. It gave me the courage and strength to deal with an eighteen month divorce. Our two adult children were so appalled at his capability to deceive and lack of empathy that the they cut him off and changed their surname to my maiden name. We were in shock. It was brutally hard in the early years. But l realised his treatment of me for years was manipulative and he was gaslighting me. I made myself smaller and tried to disappear. Six years later l am happier than l have been in years. I went to counselling and worked on my own happiness and needs. I ve just remarried. He is a widower, a wonderful family man and l now no a partner s love for the first time in my life. It’s nothing like the marriage to a covert narcissist. I saw a second chance at life and grabbed it. I turned an awful situation to my advantage. You can do it , with the right support. They are not worthy of you.

Runaway husbands
WOW! Thank you for this podcast. I am goimg to get right on the Runaway Husbands site. I found souch validation listening to this episode

Like listening to your best badass girlfriends!
Just fantastic- I discovered my husband’s staggering infidelity after his death and was devastated; asking myself what was missing in our marriage that he would feel the need to cheat and feeling that all my happy memories of our life together were false. Initially, I felt that the hardest thing was not being able to confront him. Listening to Tracey and Sarah, I realise that he was just a fuckwit who would never have told me the truth … and I am far better off with the house and life assurance and a chance of a second and mighty authentic life!

Your life continues to improve without them
Jenny is a mighty warrior! Got so much validation from this podcast. I also believe they must have a chip missing, because a neurotypical person cause not possibly be as unaware of the harm they do as these FW’s are. Thanks for sharing. I love the image of it not being a “ broken home” when they desert their families, but a repaired one. And it honestly becomes stronger than it ever could have with them gone. Great podcast once again. They never disappoint. I listen immediately when I see a new one has posted. So so helpful!!

So good! So validating! So entertaining!
If your partner is a cheater, listen to this podcast, read the book Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life, and read the blog Chumplady.com. It will help lift the fog cheaters get us in with their gaslighting and manipulation. You'll be able to see more clearly and get away from the abuse.

From the Frontlines and Beyond!
The show offers a really good mix of expert insights and first-hand accounts from the frontlines of deception and betrayal.

Sanity saving, and in some cases, life saving wisdom
Wow, this is even better than the blog. The humanity you can feel from voices, chuckles, and earnest interviews touches the soul and deep corners of scared and traumatized minds.

A much-needed voice
I am so grateful to have found Chump Lady’s writing, and now to have this amazing podcast is such a gift! It’s uplifting, validating, and affirming. Listening to it helps me feel less alone, and armed with even more knowledge to heal from betrayal trauma.

Setting the infidelity record straight
The hosts do a great job sharing their own experiences and those of their guests. It’s so nice to have an alternative take on dealing with infidelity, dealt with humanity and humor. Love it!

Your life forever changes with infidelity
Many of us have tried to fix a relationship with a cheater. And in order to do this most of the time we have to make ourselves small. The infidelity itself told us just where we stand in our spouses life and now in order to reconcile we have to swallow our hurt and become even smaller. Well that’s garbage. Infidelity changes you forever. It changes the relationship forever. The foundation of trust is gone. And chances of that coming back is very slim. We have to stop fooling ourselves into believing somehow we can “save our family” while being married to someone who only wants to please himself. Set yourself free from the real and imagined expectations of our family, friends, church. You too are mighty.

Is your significant other Cheating? Lying? Abusive?
This is the podcast for you! Also recommend reading Tracey’s book and blog. Tracey’s wisdom helped save me and my kids lives. Literally! She has an enlightening and refreshing take on being a chump that helps us chumps to embrace the reality that has been dumped on us and empower us to take our lives back. This includes not just dealing with the cheating abusive significant other but dealing with therapist who insist that you are “part of the problem” when they know good and well that no one but the cheating/abusive spouse is the only one that can control their own actions, Switzerland friends/family, flying monkeys, narcissistic and highly toxic people, how to coparent with a highly toxic spouse, etc. I’m 10yrs out of an abusive marriage and 5yrs free from highly toxic people in all areas of my life. (The first 5yrs post divorce were spent jumping through hoops with people described above for the “good of the children” as the court and toxic therapist liked to put it. Let me be very clear, it wasn’t for the good of my children but for the good of their pocket books as I was constantly wrapped in judicial battles with my ex and they reaped the benefit of continuing the chaos instead of recognizing his abuse and forcing boundaries with him). Life is good now on the other side after I took Tracey’s advice.

10 stars!
Chump Lady saved me from the delusion of thinking that my abuse of marriage could be saved. Instead of trying to reconcile with someone who was a liar and a manipulator and was never going to change and hadn't demonstrated changing in the past 12 years, Chump lady showed me that he wasn't going to change and that my life would be better and happier from leaving him. And it's so true. Unfortunately reconciliation is a myth. How could you possibly ever trust someone who willingly lied to and deceived you in order to have an affair. No matter how sorry they seem they still gave themselves permission to disregard you and to step out of the marriage and to cheat on you. I've not seen any evidence and all of my searching that reconciliation works.

Yes Please!
I LIVE for podcasts. I’m very fussy and will dismiss podcasts that may mean well but just don’t deliver on listenable status. This one delivers! If you’ve been cheated on at anytime in your life (yes, it’s abuse. Not a “phase” that is normal and harmless ) this is for you!

Aptly named podcast
The stories shared in the Tell Me How You are Mighty podcast have empowering messages, are inspiring and it really helps a chump get through some tough days. It’s nice knowing that you are not alone and are in good company. I can’t thank Tracy Schorn and Sarah Gorrell enough for having yet another platform for chumps to go to. If you haven’t read Tracy’s book ‘Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life’ yet- it’s a must-read for anyone who has been cheated on- whether you decide to stay or not. Also, check out her blog at chumplady dot com - and if you are asking yourself if I am paid to plug the above, no! I’m not! I just know what has helped me wade through emotions caused by infidelity and these are excellent resources. Cheating is trauma. At any rate, thank you mighty ladies once again for creating this podcast!! 👍👍🫶🏻🙌


Makes so much sense
This was a really enlightening conversation about the character deficits of cheaters. It's amazing to me how so many voices are urging the normalization of cheating when really cheating is a form of manipulation and abuse. I am so glad I finally woke up and kicked my cheater to the curb. There is no rational thinking coming from a cheater. Their only regret is getting caught.

Inspiration, encouragement, and motivation for those who have been traumatized by a deceitful/unfaithful partner.
Thank you Tracy and Sarah - thank you for providing a platform for those who have been traumatized by infidelity to tell their stories. The struggle that these people have gone through and the strength that they exemplified to overcome very cruel and difficult circumstances is inspiring! It is heartening to know there is hope on the other side of betrayal. Tracy's best line is, "Is this relationship acceptable to you?".

Listen. And then listen again.
This podcast shows the infidelity is something you go though but don’t have to get stuck in that space. There is so much fear mongering about life after divorce. Many of us are living full and even better lives once rid of the ‘parasites’.

Life saving
The LACGAL book and this podcast has been life saving. There are so few resources that focus on the specific abuse that people with cheating partners endure. Between the deceitful behaviour and the gaslighting, chumps need a guiding light and a helping hand to move forward in ways to gain back their power and sanity.